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Fruchtman Marketing has worked with many of the finest retailers, manufacturers, designers, importers, vendors, and trade organizations in the jewelry industry. Are you ready?
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By Ellen Fruchtman, President  Have you heard about the best way to build your brand? It’s through salience. The word by itself according to the Oxford Dictionary means “the quality of being particularly noticeable or important; prominence”. In marketing, it has everything to do with becoming top of mind when the consumer is making (or considering) a...

How to Work With an Agency

By Ellen Fruchtman, President This isn’t about working with us. This article is about what you need to know about client/agency relationships. The best way to work and get what you want from any agency. The best way to keep the relationship flowing in the right direction. And yes, the quickest way to demoralize your agency. How to...

The Ultimate Influencer

by Ellen Fruchtman, President In the world of advertising, there’s nothing stronger than the use of testimonials. With influencers being so important today (and the buzz du jour), the best influencers are the most authentic. And, nothing is more authentic than utilizing some of your best customers. Fruchtman Marketing developed a television campaign called “My Jeweler”  to...

Lewis Jewelers Self-Branded Collection

by Ashley Bowen, Account Coordinator Self-branded is the way to go! If you haven’t considered a self-branded line, you should! Beyond better profit margins, you have control over the design and marketing of the line. Additionally, the collection will be something unique to your store, which is priceless.  Our client, Lewis Jewelers in Houston, Texas, recently launched Legacy, inspired...

Follow the Science

By Ellen Fruchtman, President How many times have you heard those three, simple words? Probably more often than you would like in 2020, and sadly continuing on in 2021. We can use science to guide us through our medical decisions. Conversely, there is no science to follow in the world of marketing. We get to follow research....

Getting Personal with Clienteling

by Angie Ash, EVP Know what’s great? Receiving a text message from a business that sounds genuine and specifically written to me. Know what’s not great? A canned, cut, and pasted attempt to “connect”. Getting business done during a pandemic meant jewelers HAD to turn the innovation switch on to stay alive. And retailers got in line accordingly...

COVID Bridal Boom?

by Shane O’Neill, Vice President It happened in a flash. COVID-19 hit the newswire, cases grew and, before we knew it, the country was on lockdown. People couldn’t leave the house, businesses were closed, and people had to decide who they were going to shelter in place with. When abrupt events like these happen, such as the...

Looking Forward.

by Ellen Fruchtman, President By now you’ve probably read countless articles about the state of retail. There have been countless articles about its demise. There have been countless articles about what many believe to be permanent changes. To sum it up, here’s what we know: Independent guild jewelry stores thrived in 2020. Yes, there were some store closings for...

“He Went to Blue Nile!”

by Angie Ash, EVP I have great news - my daughter is officially engaged! My future son in law asked for our blessing to marry Meredith about a month ago, and Matt and I both loved that he followed this tradition of sorts. Within the conversation, I mentioned that I was in the jewelry business and told...