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A New Look and Feel

A New Look and Feel

Making a change to better yourself - like going to the gym, eating healthier and smarter budgeting - are commendable and important to personal growth. But now that it is mid-January, you are probably starting to grow tired of the social media posts, articles, and commercials dedicated to resolutions. You are back in the groove at work and beginning to take on the New Year with a fresh start. In addition to giving yourself a makeover, why not give your office atmosphere an update.

The surroundings in our office have a significant impact on happiness and how well we perform. Although we don’t usually get to choose the size of our workspace, the area in which we work is like a home away from home, and we should embrace the opportunity to make it ours. If you work in a tiny cubicle with empty walls and no window all day long, it may be difficult to be productive and creative, which could lead to frustration and poor performance. Instead, fill the space with what motivates you and makes you happy. It could be pictures of loved ones, inspirational quotes, posters and personal achievements, all great reminders to keep you going. Even pops of color or an air freshener can improve the overall mood of your desk or office, creating a welcoming environment. If you are not big into decorating, adding simple touches to the desk to keep you organized will ultimately make you less stressed and happier. Also, music in the office has lasting positive effects. Making a playlist with your favorite music can certainly benefit your productivity and creativity. Try remembering the password to your email account as a goal that you would like to meet. That way, you are constantly reminded of it when typing it to log in. It’s the smallest adjustments that can have the biggest impact on day-to-day work.

Office decor can be constantly updated and changed, giving you what feels like a fresh start all over again. When it looks good, you’ll feel good. And when you feel good, you’ll do even better. Try giving your office a makeover. It’s a change you won’t regret this year.

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