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Staying Positive

Staying Positive

By Kristy Cartmell, Designer / Social Media Specialist If you begin an online search with “how to stay positive” Google will end that thought by auto-filling your search with the top result, “during the coronavirus.” It can definitely be hard to keep going during this time when there is no clear end. Even while some states look to slowly reopen, we have no idea what the future holds. Lucky for us though, there are plenty of websites that teach us how to stay positive in order to better our mindset, regain lost energy, and have a fresh perspective.

Limit your intake. Constant intake or play-by-plays of the situation will not help you feel better. It will only encourage anxiety as you refresh your news feed, hoping to gain some kind of understanding. Instead, limit the amount of news exposure you intake every day. Use that time to be more productive while working from home, practicing a hobby, or spending time with family.

Take advantage of found time. This doesn’t have to mean working around the clock. Allow yourself to focus on that thing you never had time for, even if it means catching a nap. Let yourself recharge and become reinspired with things that were kept on the backburner!

Practice random acts of kindness. Leave a box of non-perishable food for a neighbor that might be struggling. Write thank you letters to healthcare workers and other essential employees. Take the time to go online and leave positive reviews for your favorite local businesses. Right now, it’s the little things that count more than ever.

Watch a funny online video. Seems pretty simple, right? There are only a couple million of them out there. It may seem simple, but finding ways to make yourself smile can totally turn your mood around and give you a lighter outlook on your day.

Take a daily inventory. At the beginning or end of each day, try to compile a few things you’re thankful for. This can help dilute any negativity you may have consumed during the day. Even when all seems wrong in the world, this can give you a reminder that it is not. You’re still strong and capable and you will get through this! You’re not in it alone.

See this Forbes article for more tips!
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