- Got Milk: Since 1993
- Just Do It: Since 1988
- Gimme A Break: Since 1957
If your campaign slogan works for you, stick with it. Think of it this way: You’ve seen it 100% (or nearly 100%) of the times it has run in your advertising, be it on billboards, print ads, or social media. But your customer base has seen it less than 15% of its exposure time.
Take, for example, the slogan “A Diamond Is Forever.” We, in the jewelry industry. know it well. This simple slogan was launched back in 1947, (68 years ago!) and is still in use today. The De Beers Diamond Company has used this unforgettable slogan in what is one of the longest-running campaigns of all time. De Beers has relied on simple black-and-white advertisements, which has added to the sense of timelessness conveyed in their campaign.
We could rattle off great slogans all day, but here are a few that have probably stuck in your mind for a long time: