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More Business Tools For Instagram

More Business Tools For Instagram

Instagram has captured the attention of consumers and businesses alike. And as new features continue to develop, it’s obvious that Facebook is trying to reach parity between the platforms for advertisers. It’s no surprise, given the revenue that advertising brings in for the unshakable social media giant; and it comes with a big sigh of relief from businesses that have been aching for data to tie to their marketing plans.

The new Instagram business tools will offer business profiles, a free feature to allow businesses to be recognized as such. Much like their Facebook counterparts, these business profiles will have contact options that open the door for customers looking to connect. Another benefit of business profiles will be the new “insights” that will finally let businesses dive into some degree of analytics without paying for subscriptions to external platforms for data.

Most importantly, new tools to promote content will be available. Taking an organic post and promoting it - adds a call-to-action and lets businesses highlight their best or most important content. It’s quick and easy because it’s done directly through the app itself.

With the recent change to Instagram’s algorithm for displaying content, these new tools and analytics will be a welcome addition to the platform for businesses and advertisers. Per usual with Facebook’s platform updates, the rollout will be done slowly over the course of a few months, with plans to be completed by the end of the year.

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