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Still Waiting to Book Your Q4 Media?

Still Waiting to Book Your Q4 Media?

September is a crazy month for us here at Fruchtman Marketing – September is a planning meeting month. We’ve set aside the month for our clients to travel to beautiful Toledo, sit down with us in our office, and have our annual pow-wow. We’ll be learning more about our clients’ 2015, solidifying Q4 and mapping out 2016 for each of the jewelers we work with. While it’s a stressful and hectic month, we love it. Nothing is better than getting some face time with clients, shaking their hands, and learning more about their business. In preparing for our annual client meetings and looking over Q4 media for our clients, a scary thought crossed my mind – there are most likely a lot of businesses out there that don’t have a holiday marketing plan in place, and don’t have their Q4 media booked. This thought is crazy to me. It’s September, people! With political and holidays both jamming up Q4 avails this year, it is now more important than ever to get your media booked - if you haven’t already. Sure, we have a few clients who are tying up loose ends and giving us final approvals in the coming weeks; that’s to be expected. But by the end of September, we’re encouraging our clients to have all Q4 media locked in. Heck, we may even push the envelope and start thinking Valentine’s Day marketing soon. So, again, a word to the wise – if you don’t have your fourth-quarter media booked now, do it! You don’t want to be in a situation a month or two from now where you’re facing high rates because you waited, or even worse, up against a sold-out situation. The holiday season is the most important season of the year for retail, something you don’t want to put in jeopardy due to procrastination. Booking early means not only getting the inventory you want, but getting it at a better price. Trust me on this. Need a hand with your Q4 media and beyond? Contact us at and our media department will happily save the day – it’s what we do.
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