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Mom’s No Stereotype

Mom’s No Stereotype

By Angie Ash, Executive Vice President Today’s moms don’t fit outdated stereotypes. They are certainly complex. They raise children and lead meetings. They balance checkbooks alongside bags of groceries. They may be moms to one and stepmoms to another. But an overlooked fact is that many are also your self-purchasing female with the means to buy fine jewelry for themselves. In order to target this very important and influential purchasing segment with your marketing messages, you have to get their attention with messages that speak to their needs and desires on a personal level they can relate to. For example, the mom you see in your store from time to time may go from the gym early in the morning, then on to work, to a child's game in the early evening, and finally home to make dinner, run some laundry, and (she hopes) wind down with a magazine, book or with the television remote in hand. She works hard every day juggling multiple items and doesn’t feel bad about treating herself for her efforts — when she has time to do so! And yes, she would still love to have jewelry. So, what do you do to get her attention? For one thing, when it comes to merchandising don’t fall into the trap of thinking she’s going to want traditional colored gemstone “Mother’s Day” jewelry items as a gift. While engraved lockets and birthstone rings are sentimental, there’s a great chance she may be more interested in that stylish cuff bracelet or diamond hoop earrings she can wear to work or out to dinner instead. When a woman comes into the store, don’t assume she’s there to purchase for someone else. Take the time to get to know her a little more personally, asking what she does for a living, what her hobbies are, and taking note of things like her lifestyle, taste in colors and clothing preferences. When you’re marketing to women directly, consider hosting an occasional ladies’ night outside of the holiday season, where women can grab a friend or two and shop for themselves. Providing mirrors, styling guides, and adding jewelry styles that can be worn in several different ways are a great way to show the versatility she may crave. Ask this empowered demographic what they are looking for in jewelry styles. You may learn you have a gap in your offerings that can be filled to great effect. And yes, if you are planning a Mother’s Day promotion, partnering up with a local spa, florist or nail salon is a nice way to provide that extra touch of indulgence she’ll love. This is also an excellent opportunity to cross-market with other local businesses in which she may already shop and for you to acquire some new customers. Every person coming to your store today is there to buy, not browse. Every day is an occasion for someone to buy jewelry, regardless of an upcoming holiday. It’s up to you to decide if it’s your sale to gain or lose.
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