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Shopping Starts On Social Media

Shopping Starts On Social Media

It may be hard to connect with Millennials, but it’s definitely not hard to find them. With 72% of the Internet-using population on social media sites like Facebook, it’s a no-brainer that there’s leverage to get your message to these new consumers. But how much stock do Millennials put in products they see on social media? As it turns out, quite a bit. According to a recent survey performed by Demandware, focused on consumers ages 18-34, 77% of respondents indicated purchasing something after seeing it liked, shared, or favorited by a friend on social media. The data was also broken out by platform, which continues to show Facebook comfortably in the lead, with over 59% of those surveyed stating that they purchased a product they saw shared on the social media giant. Other social media platforms were not quite as popular as a source, with only 29% responding that Twitter drove them to purchase, and 14% for Pinterest users. Any retailer can testify to the importance of referrals and recommendations, and when it comes to digital media, it’s as easy as a click to have your direct followers let their family and friends know how much they liked a product. Read more here.
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