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What Are You Waiting For?!

What Are You Waiting For?!

September was an insane month for us here at Fruchtman Marketing – it was annual meeting month. We structured the month for several of our clients to travel to Toledo, sit down with the marketing team, and talk shop. We learned about our clients’ 2015 to date, solidified Q4, and mapped out the 2016 strategy for each of the jewelers we were lucky enough to get some time with. While meeting month is stressful and hectic, we always looks forward to it. Nothing is better than getting some face time with clients, shaking their hands, learning more about their business, and brainstorming ways to grow profit. During our meetings, a scary realization set in for us media folk – there are a lot of businesses out there that don’t have a holiday marketing plan in place. Shoot, some don’t have their Q4 media booked at all! This is enough to give media buyers a panic attack. With political and the holidays both clogging up Q4 avails this year, it is now more important than ever to get your media booked if you haven’t already – you should have months ago! Sure, we have a few clients who are tying up loose ends and giving us final approvals in the coming weeks; dotting an “i” here and crossing a “t” there is to be expected. But by now we’ve told our clients that we are encouraging them to have all Q4 media locked in and starting to think Q1 2016 - we really should start thinking about Valentine’s Day marketing! So again, a word to the wise – if you don’t have your Q4 media booked, DO IT, and DO IT SOON. Your most important time of year is most likely these next few months, and you don’t want to be in a situation where you’re facing high rates because you waited, or even worse up, facing a sold-out situation. Christmas is in less than 80 days! Need a hand with your Q4 media and beyond? Contact us at and our media department will happily save the day – it’s what we do.
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