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This is SOCIAL media, after all…

This is SOCIAL media, after all…

by Erin Cole, Social Media Marketing Manager Making a post on social media can be a daunting task for some. Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tik Tok, and that’s not even all of them! “Is this catchy enough?” “Is this the right kind of post for this platform?” “Did I do that right?” All valid questions. Unfortunately, if your answer to those questions leads you to avoid posting altogether, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity! There are MANY social media platforms out there (remember MySpace?). So where you should you be posting? At Fruchtman, our paid postings are contained to Facebook and Instagram as they are still the market leaders. However, the short answer for the organic posts you manage at a store level is everywhere, providing you have the time and manpower! Your customers are everywhere, so you should be everywhere. Know what the platform is for and use it to your advantage. For example: Use Facebook like the new “Yellow Pages,” find people, businesses, courses, and more. (Not to mention use a FB Shop to give your customers another online e-commerce experience!) Instagram is a nurturing platform, it should start and end with relationships! And the long(er) answer:
  1. Don’t rely on one algorithm for your results, trending or not. You might post a reel on Instagram that gets a couple hundred views, but then on Tik Tok goes viral!
  2. Reach more of your audience with different engagement features: Instagram has Stories, and Facebook has Lives! The same people may not be watching both.
  3. Build and own your community. Take advantage of the audience who is engaging with you by inviting them to your exclusive email list or some kind of membership. This is where your audience becomes your loyal audience, both online and in-store!
Constant growth and increasing your reach is important to strive for - but don’t forget about the audience you already have! Lastly, it's important to be present on multiple social media platforms in case you lose ownership or one goes down. Even META has been known to have a glitch from time to time. Having an email list to keep in touch with during a “blackout” is an important failsafe to your business. Diversify your social media presence to grow, reach, and engage with your audience. It should be SOCIAL after all! Source
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