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What Matters.

What Matters.

by Ellen Fruchtman, President This is not an article about digital. Stay with me. There are other things to talk about in the world of marketing. Because even digital can’t take the place of little things. The little things retailers forget to do. And the little things that count. Because the little things matter. And, today, more than ever, they matter more than you think. Take “Thank You” notes. Hand-written ones. How many times do you receive one? Better yet, sent one? Want to stand out from the clutter? Send a hand-written note (not an email) to thank a customer. To welcome a customer. When is the last time you sent a letter, an actual letter as the owner of the business, welcoming that new customer to your jewelry family? Explaining all that you offer? And, how honored you were that they chose you—yes you, over the many jewelers in your community (let alone online) to trust you with this important purchase. How many of you send flowers to celebrate a couple’s anniversary? Especially, their very first one. I would assume you have their date if you’re keeping copious notes as you should. Create a tickler for yourself a week prior to the event. If you’re looking for someone to talk about you on social media, I bet this does the trick. When a new customer comes to your store, do you take them on a quick tour? Do you show them your craftsmen at work; talk to them about your service offerings? Treat your store as if it were your home. Offer them something to drink (beyond water) and make sure you have beverages on hand. Make sure you are asking them if you can clean their jewelry prior to getting knee-deep into the selling process. And, don’t forget those customers there for a simple repair or battery change. Bring out the cleaned jewelry on a silver tray with a beautiful piece of candy or truffle. When someone comes to pick up their new engagement ring, make sure you provide them with a package that will give them something to talk about! A split of champagne with 2 glasses (and ask them to bring them back in and you will engrave the date of their wedding); a gift certificate for a manicure so she can show it off in style; a beautiful packet of special offers from other like vendors you would recommend And, those offers should be something really special and not usually provided by the retailer or service. Remember, you’re the first line of fire. An exclusive florist would love to get their name in front of your customer – as would a great wedding planner, photographer etc. This holiday season, consider wrapping up something small, that’s not too expensive, but something you would be proud to give as a gift. A small sterling silver frame, for example. Hand out one to each customer when they are waiting for their package, telling them this is something special from you that you hope they enjoy. Can you imagine any retailer giving something like that to you? Engage a high school choir in your community (or theater troupe) who will do some caroling for you in either neighborhoods where a large percentage of your customers live, or simply send them to some key customer homes. Of course, make sure they wish them a Merry Christmas from your jewelry store at the very end. It’s the little things that count. But, it’s the little things that set you apart from online sellers and those big-box stores down the street. It’s the little things that are a very big deal.
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