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Stuff You’ll Love

YouTube Statistics You Need to Know

YouTube is making waves in the small business advertising world. Ads are managed through the Google Ads platform, and video ads are easier to make than ever with the availability of high-quality cell phone cameras and free editing software. Are you considering advertising on YouTube? These statistics will help.  YouTube is the second most visited website...

Google Tag Manager

by Shane O'Neill, Vice President A lot of times, little pieces of code from different places have to be added to your website in order to get it to play nicely with others. There might be code from Facebook, from Google Analytics, from anywhere, really. These pieces of code are often referred to as "tags".  One way to...

Google Travel?

by Angie Ash, EVP Next time you’re looking at booking flights, hotels, or vacation rentals, check out Google Travel. Not only can you snag a great rate if you want to get away for a quick vacation stat, but if you already use Google’s other apps like maps, calendar, and Gmail, it’s a seamless experience. I found...

This Day in History

by Haley Lardinais, Account Coordinator July 6th, a pretty average day right? But, here are some pretty cool things that happened on this day in years past that have definitely left their mark: In honor of Wimbledon in the swing of it, on this day in 1957, Althea Gibson became the first African American to win the...

Loyalty Programs

by Ellen Fruchtman, President Interested in a customer loyalty program? Recent research conducted by a company called Yotpo concluded that 68% of their respondents said they would join a loyalty program for brands they like. Yes, running a loyalty program means you will have to give away something, be it discounts, early access to events, sales, and...

Dogs & Cats Beware

by Hayley Lardinais, Account Coordinator Having purchased my first house within the last year, homeownership has introduced a slew of new responsibilities and “hobbies”. Most recently I’ve entered into the world of landscaping and gardening, and there is A LOT to learn! It never really crossed my mind that some of the flowers I choose to put...

Micro Holidays for Social Media

By Kelsi Roth, Senior Graphic Designer & Social Media Coordinator Everyone knows and plans for the biggest holidays of the year. We’re used to promoting great gifts for Christmas, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Valentine’s Day, wishing customers well on New Year's Eve and Thanksgiving. And even marking important historical holidays with respectful remembrances on days like...

New Year, New You

By Kristy Cartmell, Graphic Designer This is the year we change things up. No longer will we make lofty resolutions and blissfully welcome in the new year. After the many curve balls 2020 threw at us, it’s time to start 2021 off on a positive note and develop healthy goals that will reside all year long, no...

Did You Know?

by Ashley Bowen, Account Coordinator On this day last year, American Simone Biles became the most decorated gymnast ever by winning her 25th World Championships medal at the 2019 World Gymnastics Championships in Stuttgart, Germany. Prior to this event, she was arguably the best gymnast the world had ever seen, but this achievement cemented that status. Simone...